- Realizing Sensitive, Precise, and Speedy Communication -
As teleconference systems, Polycom VSX6000 are installed in three locations: Excell Co., (Tokyo), Excell MFG Co.,/Excell Eng Co., (Gunma) and Excell USA, Inc. (Indiana, USA).
Excell adopted a teleconference system in order to provide sensitive, precise, and speedy communication with our customers. We considered cases such as the customer's needs to contact us quickly. This new system eliminates the possible communication problem with telephone and/or e-mail only contacts, thereby enabling the customer to have a multi location meeting among Japan/oversea locations and Excel's Japan/oversea locations.
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Excell's basic style is to bring and show the actual samples to customers and have the technical meetings. It is now possible to have speedy communication (such as technical meetings) with this telecommunication system while inside the office.