Compliance Activity
Bribery prevention policy
Political donations and donations are made in accordance with the laws and regulations of each country and region, and efforts will be made to build sound and normal relationships with politics and administration. We do not provide entertainment, gifts, or money to business partners for the purpose of acquiring or maintaining unreasonable profits or preferential treatment.
Employee code of conduct
Compliance with laws and regulations
We will comply with the laws and regulations of each country and region.
Compliance with competition law
We will comply with the competition laws of each country and region (antitrust law, subcontracting law, etc. in Japan). We do not engage in acts such as private monopoly, unfair trade restrictions (cartel, bid rigging, etc.), unfair trading methods, or abuse of dominant bargaining position.
Management and protection of confidential information
Personal information of customers, third parties, and company employees and confidential information of customers and third parties are obtained in a legitimate manner, strictly managed, used to the appropriate extent, and protected.
Intellectual property protection
We protect the intellectual property rights owned or attributed to our company, and do not illegally obtain, use, or infringe the intellectual property rights of third parties.
Ethical reporting policy
When an employee comes into contact with risk and compliance information, he/she shall provide the information to the General Affairs Department. Upon receiving the information, the General Affairs Department shall respond promptly and appropriately. Employees who provide risk and compliance information shall not be treated unfavorably because they provided the information.
Information Security Policy
The ultimate goal of our group is to meet the expectations of every stake holders, meaning our customers, employees and their families and to contribute to the society through designing, producing and selling of plastic blow molded ducts for automotive and industrial purpose products.
Our company, in the process of business, receives and uses many information assets including personal data. We determine that to meet the expectations of every stakeholder, the most important task is to protect these data.
Therefore we declare that we will formalize the information basic policies and construct and implement the ISMS (information security management system) according to this policy. As the whole company, we will continuously improve this system based on changes of the environment of our company.
Additionally, we will set our purposes of security as below and make sure we work to implement strategies and action to meet these goals.
- We will respect and protect the contract, legal or required rules with our customers.
- We will prevent information security incidents beforehand that involve our customer's confidential information or our company's management information assets.
- In the case of information security incidents, we will minimize the effect it makes.
Information Security System
- We have set up an Information Security Team to carry out activities systematically based on our information security policy.
- We provide information security education to employees and alert them to vulnerabilities, etc., and carry out activities to educate each employee.